The below article was submitted by Nithin B. Thank you very much for your submission.

I recently had the opportunity to take up the newly launched PMI-ACP Agile certification beta/pilot exam. The exam is pretty much straight forward (the registration part was a bit of a pain though) and I feel if you are well prepared, it will be a cake walk to clear the exam. Below is a generic over view of the exam and my experience of tackling it.
The exam comprises of 120 questions, but only 100 of these are counted towards your final score and the remaining 20 are part of the pre test questions. You will get an additional 15 minutes (this is in addition to the 3 hours) prior to the start of the exam which I feel could be well utilized for revisions (I used the time for de-stressing myself).
However, one drawback (according to me) was regarding the result of the exam; you will be notified on a later date (December) and hence this leaves me a bit anxious. Along with the pass/fail result, you will also receive a domain score sheet which will include the scores that you have achieved in each of the domains. The domain scores are nothing but your strongest and weakest areas and are rated in terms of 1) Proficient, 2) Moderately Proficient and 3) Below Proficient.

I found the below set of books particularly helpful:

  • “Succeeding with Agile” by Mike Cohn
  • “User Stories Applied” by Mike Cohn
  • “Art of Agile Development” by James Shore
  • “The Software Project Manager’s Bridge to Agility” by Michele Sliger and Stacia Broderick

The exam had several questions from the following topics, so it will be wise to concentrate more on these topics which could help improve your score.

  • Agile methodologies including XP, Kanban, Scrum, and Lean
  • Agile Values and Principles
  • Lean Portfolio Management
  • Osmotic communication
  • Empowerment and collaboration

All in all, I was pretty satisfied with the topics and questions that were covered in the exam as it tests your overall knowledge around the agile methodologies. I found to be particularly useful in preparing for this exam as the questions on the site are very similar to those on the real exam. I am sure I passed the exam and I am looking forward to updating my resume with my new designation in December.



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